Academia Avenue

HSC Admission Guidelines Published, Maximum Admission Fee is 8,500 BDT

HSC Admission

The Ministry of Education has published the policy for the admission of those who have passed the current year’s SSC and equivalent examinations in colleges with the provision of online application. The policy was issued on Wednesday (May 15) night by the Secondary and Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education. This time also the maximum admission fee has been kept at 8 and a half thousand taka.

Admission Eligibility and Group Selection

Students who have passed SSC or equivalent examination under any education board of the country and Bangladesh Open University in the previous three years will be considered eligible for online admission in any college/equivalent institution subject to other provisions of the policy. Apart from this, students of other years including those who have passed from open university can also apply manually to the board for admission.

Check the Admission Policy for XI

Students who have passed an equivalent examination from a foreign board or similar institution will be considered eligible for admission after the Dhaka Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education determines the standard of its certificate.

Students passed from Science Group any of Science, Humanities and Business Education Group; Candidates passed from humanities group can apply to any of humanities and business education group and students passed from business education group can apply to any of business education and humanities group.

And students passed from any group (Science, Humanities and Business Education) from Islamic Education, Domestic Science and Music group; Students passed in Science Group from Madras Education Board can apply to any of the Science, Humanities and Business Education Groups and students passed from General and Muzabbid Mahir Group can apply to any one except Science Group.

Students who have passed SSC (Vocational) and Dakhil (Vocational) examination from Technical Education Board can apply for admission in any group of General Education Board.

Session Charges and Admission Fees

In case of institutions belonging to MPO, 5 thousand taka in Bengali and English version in Dhaka metropolitan area, 3 thousand taka in metropolitan (except Dhaka) Bengali and English version, 2 thousand taka in district and 1500 taka in upazila and mufswal.

In case of non-MPO institutions in Dhaka metropolitan area 7500 taka in Bengali version, 8500 taka in English version, metropolitan (except Dhaka) 5000 taka in Bengali version and 6000 taka in English version, district 3000 taka in Bengali version and 2500 taka in English version Taka and Upazila and Mofswale 2500 Taka in Bengali version and 3000 Taka in English version.

During initial confirmation of admission from the education board, registration fee is TK 142, sports fee TK 50, Rover/Ranger fee TK 15, Red Crescent fee TK 16, science and technology fee TK 7, BNCC fee TK 5, teacher welfare You can take a total of 335 taka including fee and leisure facility allowance fee of 100 taka.

Procedure to be Followed in Selection of Candidates

No selection or admission test will be accepted for admission. Admission will be based on the result of the student’s SSC or equivalent examination only.

In case of admission to colleges/equivalent institutions, 93 percent seats of the respective colleges/equivalent institutions will be open to all which will be selected on the basis of merit.

A total quota of 2 percent including 1 percent for the children of officers/employees working in the Ministry of Education and 1 percent for the children of officers/employees working in subordinate offices/organizations will be reserved for admission in metropolitan, divisional and district headquarter educational institutions subject to minimum qualifications. If the number of applicants is more, they will get admission on the basis of merit among themselves.

5 percent of the total seats will be reserved for children/children of freedom fighters. If the candidate is not found in the above quota, the seat will not be effective. The certificate issued by the Ministry of Liberation War should be submitted for the identification of children/children of freedom fighters.

Only those students who have passed the SSC examination as having special needs can apply for manual admission to the respective board. Children of expatriates/students passed out of BKSP/students awarded for outstanding contribution at departmental or national level in the field of sports and culture can apply manually to the board for admission.

Merit will be decided on the basis of aggregate marks in case of equal GPA. In the case of Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board, Bangladesh Technical Education Board and Bangladesh Open University, the grade points and marks obtained should be calculated equally. Moreover, the grade points and marks obtained for different years should be calculated equally.

For admission to Science Group, marks obtained in General Mathematics and Higher Mathematics/Biology shall be taken into consideration for determining the merit rank of those obtaining equal aggregate marks.

If the difficulty arising in the selection of candidates is not resolved, the marks obtained in English, Physical Science, Chemistry should be taken into consideration successively.

In the case of humanities and business education group, the marks obtained in English, Mathematics and Bengali subjects should be taken into consideration in order to settle the issue of equal total marks.

If the GPA is same in case of admission of candidates from one group to other group then merit order will be decided on the basis of total marks obtained. In this case, if the complications arising in the selection of candidates are not resolved, the marks obtained in English, Mathematics and Bengali subjects should be taken into consideration.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this policy, in the case of schools and colleges/equivalent institutions, students who have passed out from their own institution will be given priority admission in their respective groups (Science, Humanities and Business Education) subject to the eligibility criteria prescribed by the institution.

The concerned college authorities may prescribe minimum qualifications for admission to any college/equivalent institution.

Colleges/equivalent institutions are required to publish all information regarding their admissions on the website and notice board.

All colleges/higher secondary institutions/equivalent institutions will admit students according to the list of students selected for admission by the Ministry and Board of Education in their respective institutions and according to the time. No institution, ministry and board can conduct admission activities as per their wish beyond the scheduled date.

Online Admission

Online application for admission to class XI in all educational institutions approved by the Board of Education. Address of this website ( for online application.

Students can apply online only. In case of online application, one can apply for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 colleges/equivalent institutions on the basis of preference, subject to deposit of application fee of Tk.150. Out of the number of colleges a student applies to, his/her placement in only one college will be determined based on the student’s merit, quota and preference.

Notice, Admission and Fees

The notice of the institution specifying the number of seats (Science, Humanities and Business Education Group, Shift, Male/Female/Co-education, Version) and all other fees approved by the Board including the admission fee, minimum eligibility for admission etc. Will publish on board and website.

Institutions under MPO cannot accept development fee under any circumstances. However, the concerned authority may change the session charges and admission fees from time to time subject to the approval of the controlling Ministry/Department.

In case of non MPO/partial MPO educational institutions, development fee, session charge and admission fee shall be accepted as per the policy. However, the concerned authority may change the development fee, session charge and admission fee from time to time subject to the approval of the controlling Ministry/Department.

Government colleges will collect required fees as per government circular.

For the admission of poor, meritorious and special needs students, the concerned educational institutions will take necessary steps to waive the mentioned fee as far as possible.

Before the admission process, in case of admission in private college, the list of monthly salary and all other expenses along with admission fee should be displayed on the notice board and website of respective college.

No money in excess of the sanctioned fees shall be accepted from any student and all sanctioned fees shall be accepted on payment of proper receipt.

The Board of Education will collect the fee per student as per the policy while making the initial confirmation of admission from the student. However, the concerned authority may change this fee from time to time subject to the approval of the controlling Ministry/Department.

Every educational institution has to send 300 rupees to the board towards annual sports sanction fee.

Application for Admission, Declaration of Result, Admission and Commencement of Classes

The concerned authority/board will send proposals to the controlling ministry/department every year regarding admission application, result release, admission and class commencement schedule and will issue the same in the form of notification every year.

Change of College/Equivalent Institution

No student admitted in Class XI can be issued a pass without the prior permission of the concerned Board of Education. Nor can admission be made on clearance issued by the educational institution without the prior permission of the Board. In case of admission through Clearance Certificate (TC), the college/equivalent institution authorities have to submit the necessary documents along with the registration fee to the concerned education board within 15 days of admission of such admitted student/girl.